Nov 18, 2019
The presentation of a Cheque to the Diabetes Canada in support of Camp Huronda a special summer camp for youths with Diabetes. This was the start of the new approach to Diabetes from Lions International whch now has taken Diabetes on all over the World in an attempt...
Nov 11, 2019
The Fergus Lions Club is one nine Lions Clubs who have banded together to raise $ 200,000 for the Diabetes & Education at the new hospital. In April 2017, the Fergus Lions Club made a pledge of $40,000. In March, $ 5,000 was given to purchase new equipment for the...
Dec 12, 2018
The Fergus Lions Club and Reliable Ford have teamed up to host the 2012 version of the annual Toy Drive. The Community was asked to add to the Toys already provided by the Club and Reliable. The Fergus Lions also presented the CW Food Bank with a cheque in the amount...
Nov 11, 2017
Fergus Lions expanded their membership by inducting three new members at the last regular meeting. Induction ceremonies were conducted by Zone Chair Linda Vinette. (centre). New members and their sponsors are, left to right; Sponsor Lion Don Doyle and Dennis Culbert;...
Nov 11, 2011
Each year since 1976, the authority has presented awards to individuals, families, organizations and businesses that have taken action to protect and enhance the natural environment of the Grand River watershed. Ten years ago this month the Fergus Lions Club got the...
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